Children are notorious for having many colds throughout their early years and most will have at least 8‐10 colds in the first two years of life. Since these symptoms can last for up to three weeks, it may feel like they have a constant runny nose!

Colds are caused from viruses and typically peak during the fall and winter months. They are spread directly through contact with the virus such as sneezing or coughing. Cold symptoms are coughing, sneezing, fever, nasal congestion and runny nose. Most children do not need any treatment for viruses and antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections, NOT viral infections. The best treatment is supportive care. There are many cough and cold medications that are available but these preparations are no longer recommended for children under 4 years of age.

Young infants are susceptible to colds and because they are nasal breathers, may become fussy during feeding or have some difficulty sleeping. In this case, you may need to let your child take several breaks during feeding to catch their breath. To help their breathing, you can place a few drops of nasal saline in each nostril and then suction with a nasal aspirator. The saline helps to break up the mucous and this will help their breathing. We recommend doing this prior to feeding and sleeping. Furthermore, a cool mist vaporizer in the room may help loosen nasal secretions and ensure a more comfortable sleep.

When to call the office:
• Fever that persists for more than 72 hours
•Any difficulty breathing
• Infant less than 2 months old with a fever
• If your child is lethargic or refuses to eat
• Fever that does not respond to Tylenol or Motrin